Green Guide Delft

2015, Team work. Chief editor & responsible for lay-out & graphics,.


Formula Student

Smartwatch Koen

The Green Guide Delft wants to show you the bright side of life! In Delft, a city of technology with many bright minds, there is so much going on in the field of sustainability. The Green Guide Delft shows you projects, plans, tips & tricks, initiatives and activities that aim to make the world a better place, starting in Delft.


The Green Guide was initiated by the Sustainability Community Delft, and content came from all the members of this initiative. I was responsible for putting the guide together, the lay-out, keeping in contact with the publisher and making the first Green Guide Delft happen. 500 copies were distributed amongst students, TU Delft staff and other interested people


Graphic Design


Delft Hyperloop

Improving Solar Home Systems